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Peanuts - IN SHELL

Peanuts IN SHELL

Peanuts in shell are the raw, natural form of peanuts, with the outer shell left intact. The shell acts as a protective layer for the edible kernel inside. Peanuts belong to the legume family and grow underground, with the peanut plant producing pods containing two or three seeds each.

Peanuts in shell typically have a light brown or tan-colored shell with ridges or wrinkles running along the surface. The shell is firm and slightly rough in texture, providing protection to the inner peanut kernel. Inside the shell, the peanuts are nestled snugly together.

Features Values
Sortation Grading 1. One – seed: Max 5%
2. Two – seed: Min 90%
3. Three – seed: Max 5%
4. Size range (count / 200 g): 190 – 215 peanuts / 200 g
Moisture 6% to 8%
Admixture 1% max
Foreign Matter 1. Soil: Max 2.5%
2. Rubbish and Yam: NIL
Aflatoxin(B1+B2+G1+G2) 5 PPB
Availability Whole Year
Packing 1) Jute Bag: In 50kg
Loadabality Per 20 Feet: 19MTS
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