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Roasted & Blanched

Roasted & Blanched

Roasting involves heating peanuts at high temperatures, typically in an oven or roasting machine. This process not only enhances the flavor of the peanuts but also improves their texture by making them crunchier. Roasting brings out the natural oils in the peanuts, resulting in a richer, nuttier taste.

Blanching is a process in which peanuts are briefly submerged in boiling water to remove their outer skins. After blanching, the peanuts are quickly cooled and then mechanically de-skinned. This process results in peanuts with a smooth, creamy texture and a lighter color.

Features Values
Split 100%
Moisture 4% to 5%
Aflatoxin(B1+B2+G1+G2) Aflatoxin negative & < 5 PPB
Availability Whole Year
Packing 1) Vacuum Bag: In 5kg, 10kg, 15kg, 25kg & 50kg
2) Carton Box: In 5kg, 10kg, 15kg, 25kg & 50kg
3) Polypropylene Bag: In 25kg, 50kg
Loadabality Per 20 Feet: 19MTS
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