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Peanuts - JAVA

Peanuts JAVA

Java peanuts are primarily cultivated in the fertile lands of Java, the most populous island in Indonesia. The tropical climate and rich soil of Java provide ideal conditions for peanut cultivation. Farmers in Java employ traditional agricultural practices alongside modern techniques to ensure optimal yield and quality.

Java peanuts are known for their distinct flavor and texture. They are often characterized by their larger size compared to peanuts from other regions. The kernels are plump, with a creamy texture and a rich, nutty taste. The unique growing conditions of Java contribute to the development of peanuts with a well-balanced flavor profile and a satisfying crunch.

Features Values
JAVA Counts Per Ounce 50/60, 60/70, 70/80, 80/90, 90/100, 140/160
Moisture 5% to 7%
Admixture 1% max
Foreign Matter 0.5% Max
Aflatoxin(B1+B2+G1+G2) 5 PPB
Oil Content 48 to 52%
Availability Whole Year
Packing 1) Jute Bag: In 5kg, 10kg, 15kg, 25kg & 50kg
2) Polypropylene Bag: In 25kg, 50kg
Loadabality Per 20 Feet: 20MTS
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